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Business Diversification Strategies For State Owned Fossil Fuel Companies

Major fossil fuel producers including several state-owned fossil fuel companies around the world have pledged to achieve net-zero emissions. State Owned Enterprises (SoE) produce nearly 60% of fossil fuels globally. If the world is to meet net zero target, these SoE’s will need to diversify their businesses rapidly.
Historically, many companies have diversified by venturing into related sectors or expanding into completely new sectors. In our latest report, we reviewed the historical diversification of 23 global companies – from fast-moving consumer goods, trading, and entertainment to mining companies – in order to understand key elements of corporate
diversification in a net-zero world.
The Global Climate and Development Institute (GCDI) at Swaniti Initiative, in partnership with Climate Trends, is hosting a webinar to discuss the findings of the report and explore how state-owned companies can diversify their businesses.

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Date: Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Time: 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM (EST)/7:30 PM to 8:30 PM (IST)