Category: Data Insights

Crimes Against Bihar’s Vulnerable Communities Soar

Date of Release: October 22nd, 2015 Published in: India Spend An inadequate police force is struggling to cope with a rising crime graph against Bihar’s vulnerable communities. Bihar has seen a 20-fold increase in crime against children–from 115 in 2005 to 2255 in 2014–over the past 10 years, according to data released by National Crime Records Bureau. […]

Air Pollution: The Silent Killer We Need To Talk About More Often

Date of Release: April 20th, 2015 Published in: DNA In terms of health costs, indoor air pollution accounts for twice as many lives lost in India than outdoor pollution. The issue of environmental conservation has gained in public importance because of the significant administrative measures (Air Quality Index) and judicial decisions (NGT rulings on diesel cars […]

Delhi is on the Verge of a Sustainability Nightmare 

Date of Release: February  3rd, 2015 Published in: Huffington Post The BJP has been handed a comprehensive defeat in the Delhi elections. For some, that might mean a defeat of the BJP’s Vision Document 2050, which ends with Kiran Bedi’s “6-S” formula as the model for an ideal Delhi. Yet, the importance of these 6Ss […]

Many Welfare Targets, Only a Few Reached 

Date of Release: February  5th, 2015 Published in: Indian Express BHAGIDARI: The most famous of the Delhi government’s welfare initiatives was the Bhagidari scheme, which seeks to bridge the information and trust deficit between the government and citizens, and to involve citizen groups —NGOs, RWAs, market traders’ associations — to a far greater extent in […]

A City with Room for Migrants, if Not a Roof Over Their Heads

Date of Release: February  3rd, 2015 Published in: Indian Express In electoral arithmetic, nothing plays as big a role as the demographic profile of a city or state. In Delhi’s case, migration is believed to be a major determinant in an evolving demography. This also has a direct bearing on Delhi’s housing situation, an issue […]

Delhi’s Women, Behind the Rest in Safety and Jobs

Date of Release: January 30th, 2015 Published in: Indian Express The second part of this data series looks at the security of women in Delhi, from a physical as well as social and economic perspectives Delhi accounts for more than four per cent of all serious crimes against women in the country — including rape, […]

Money is All City Prospers In 

Date of Release: January 28th, 2015 Published in: Indian Express Starting today, a series that will use statistics to assess where poll-bound Delhi stands in terms of various social and development indicators, and how far government schemes and politicians have helped resolve its problems The period before an election is a good time to look […]

The Uttar Pradesh Paradox

Date of Release: January 14th, 2015 Published in: The Political Indian Since his election, our Prime Minister has made the promotion of gender equality a central policy priority. On October 11th, he declared “[L]et us pledge to create an atmosphere of equality for the girl child. There is no question of any discrimination based on gender.” […]