Rural Healthcare in Odisha: MP Jay Panda Reflects

Rural Healthcare in Odisha: MP Jay Panda Reflects

Swaniti Initiative | May 5, 2013 | The Swaniti Blog

There’s a terrible shortage of doctors willing to serve in rural locations. I’ve been trying to tackle this problem by pushing for mobile health units, taking medicines, testing facilities & a doctor to villages on a regular schedule. In particular, I’ve been following up with various corporations to include this in their CSR plans. Today, the first of these started with Hindustan Petroleum extending its once-a-week MHU service to 18 villages in Mahakalpada block in my Kendrapada constituency, just across the Mahanadi river from their Paradeep base. I should also point out, besides many others who worked on this project, it was coordinated by two young men Puneet and Kazim who spent two months on my team on a fellowship from ; I thank them. And, of course, a big thank you to HP 🙂 🙂 🙂

